Schnelle und robuste Lösungen zur Erfassung digitaler Signale.

Timer Lösungen

TIC-8420 – High-Speed Timer/Counter

Der TIC-8420 ist ein neuartiger Timer/Counter/Analyzer, der auf der Digitalisierung von Zeitintervallen in Impulsfolgen mit 2,8 ns Auflösung basiert.

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Digitale I/O Lösungen

FAB-3226 – Digital Bit Pattern Generator

The FAB-3226 Digital Bit Pattern Generator connects digital ports to an user-defined FPGA logic. As the FPGA is user-programmable all kind of operation can be implemented: input, output, and closed loop operation where input and output are processed in real-time. All this can be controlled by an user-defined application program running on a computer system (PC or embedded).

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DIO-3460 – Industrial I/O module

The DIO-3460 is a space-saving industrial I/O module. It provides for save cable connections due to the use of WAGO Cage Clamp connectors rather than screw terminals.

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